God Wants You Healed & Whole

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. Romans 8:11

Healed and whole. This has always been God’s heart for you, His precious child.

If you’re going through a health challenge, I want you to take hold of this word deep in your heart today.

In 3 John 2, you see this very heart of the Father revealed:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

This is the truth I want to impress upon you: regardless of the symptom, sickness, or disease in your life, be it cancer, heart disease, mental illness, or addictions…

God wants you HEALED AND WHOLE!

And you can be sure of God’s will to heal you because of Jesus’ work on the cross for you. Isaiah 53:5 (NLT) gives you this assurance:

But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.

Isn’t that good news? Jesus has already done the work! Healing and wholeness are already yours! All you have to do is believe and receive what has already been provided for you.

That diagnosis isn’t the final say.

Those medical journals aren’t the ultimate authority.

Your family history isn’t the deciding factor.

The love of our Lord Jesus and the efficacy of His finished work are higher, greater, and more powerful than all of those things!

But as much as they want to believe it, many people have a hard time living in that truth (perhaps you are one of them). Whether they realize it or not, often people still attach healing to their performance—to what they have or have not done.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, Well, I’ve got to get my life together before I can ask God for anything.

Too often we think things like:

  • When I become more disciplined, then I can ask God to bless my finances.
  • As soon as I break this addiction, then I can believe God for favor at work.
  • After I get this sin “under control,” then I can ask God to heal me.

Beloved, this is wrong thinking. All of these thoughts are based on our performance. The truth is simple: none of us will ever be “good enough” to earn God’s favor, His blessing, His healing. God’s love gives you victory over every sin and every addiction! Sin shall not have dominion over you when you are under grace.

So take heart…Jesus’ work on the cross was more than good enough for you!

His perfect life, His death on the cross of Calvary, His burial and resurrection—through it all, Jesus did what you could never do to give you what you can never earn.

Salvation, righteousness and healing are yours…because of Jesus.

Think about this for a moment…

Have you noticed that the people Jesus ministered to were all imperfect? And all who came to him received, regardless of their background.

  • Jesus cured the woman with the issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48).
  • Jesus healed the servant of the Roman centurion (Matthew 8:5-10, 13).
  • Jesus touched and cleansed the leper (Mark 1:40-42).
  • Jesus raised the man who had been infirmed for 38 years (John 5:5-9).
  • Jesus resurrected the son of the widow in Nain (Luke 7:12-15).

Their imperfections couldn’t keep Jesus from helping and healing them.

Beloved, as sure as He was present to minister to the people when He was on earth, Jesus is present to minister to you this very moment. Your faults, your shortcomings, and your sins are no match for the grace of God that is already here.

As long as you think you have to do something before you can ask God for healing, the focus is on you—your own effort, your own work, your own righteousness.

Beloved, there is a better way today!

Rather than thinking, What should I do? How can I get better? Am I righteous enough?—rest in the knowledge that:

Jesus did it all. Jesus is your perfection. Jesus is your righteousness.

Whatever symptom or diagnosis you are dealing with today (whether it’s in your life or in the life of someone you love), don’t let fear, doubt or dread fill your heart.

Our Lord Jesus is your healer. And He has done everything necessary for you to be healed, healthy and whole. Look to Him today and receive the healing that He has already provided for you.

Resting in His finished work,