
Our Beliefs

Doctrines of grace

We teach the doctrines of grace


There is one God, who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable in His holiness, justice, wisdom and love. He is the almighty Creator, Saviour and Judge who sustains and governs all things according to His sovereign will for His own glory.

The Lord Jesus Christ

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God.  We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the world.


All men and women, being created in the image of God, have inherent and equal dignity and worth. Their greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God. As a result of the fall of our first parents, every aspect of human nature has been corrupted and all men and women are without spiritual life, guilty sinners and hostile to God. Every person is therefore under the just condemnation of God and needs to be born again, forgiven and reconciled to God in order to know and please Him. We believe all men are born with a sinful nature and that the work of the Cross was to redeem man from the power of sin.  We believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity and in His interaction with man.  We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as manifested by the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.

The Sacred Scripture

We believe in the scripture as the inspired Word of God and that it is the complete revelation of God’s will for mankind.  We believe in the absolute authority of the scripture to govern the affairs of men.


We believe that every man is the steward of his life and resources which ultimately belong to God.  We believe that tithing is a measure of obedience to the scriptural principles of stewardship.

The Church

The universal Church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, which are congregations of believers who are committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, for pastoral care and discipline, and for evangelism. The unity of the body of Christ is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to the gospel.

Prayer and Praise

We believe in the worship of the Lord through singing, clapping, and the lifting of hands. We believe in the authority of the believer to ask freely of the Lord for his needs.

Body Ministry


We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the elders of the church.


We believe that evangelism is the obligation of every follower of Jesus Christ. The Lord commands us to go out and make disciples of all the earth. We believe that each person is first responsible to evangelism in their own family as the Holy Spirit leads them and gives them the ability.

Water Baptism & Holy Communion

We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion in obedience to the Word of God. All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour should be baptized in water as a public profession of their faith in Christ and to experience what the Bible calls the “circumcision of the Spirit.”

The Holy Communion is a celebration of Jesus’ death and our remembrance of Him.

Our Commitment to Israel

We believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We believe that this is an eternal covenant between God and the seed of Abraham to which God is faithful.

The Priesthood of the Believer

We believe that every believer has a unique relationship to the Lord. As His children, every Christian has immediate access to the throne of Grace and the ability to manifest the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in ministry.9

The Future

The Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory. He will raise the dead and judge the world in righteousness. The wicked will be sent to eternal punishment and the righteous will be welcomed into a life of eternal joy in fellowship with God. God will make all things new and will be glorified forever.

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